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There are 4 classes that will start on Tuesday, November 12th, and continue for the following 3 Tuesdays, 7-9 pm. There is also an option to take 3 classes November 12th-15th and the final session December 10th.


The total cost is $250.00 for The Crystals & Minerals Practitioner Certification

*Must be paid in full before the November 12th session.


Sessions 1 and 2 can be taken separately for those who want to increase their knowledge base for $75 per class.


In addition to the sessions, there will be optional in-person extended learning Meetups at Spaworld and Natural History Museum (TBA). 

Session I General Holistic Crystal Healing 

Session 2 Love Alchemy & Mental Peace 

Session 3 Crystal Medicine Bag & Chakra Laboratory 

Session 4 Soul Work Applications 

Crystal, Minerals & Rocks Practitioner Certification Description

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