Chakras at a Glance

Chakras play a very crucial role in Reiki and in other traditional healing arts. A deficiency or imbalance in any of these chakras would correspond with an illness. Reiki aims to clear, open, and balance these energy points to achieve health, overall wellness, and peace. For info on Cleaning and Clearing Chakra Centers, Reiki Certification Courses and Crystal & Minerals Practitioner Certification Courses please visit
Root Chakra
The root chakra is positioned at the bottom of the pelvis. The organs that are under it are the kidneys, adrenal glands, leg bones, large intestines, rectum, and spinal column. It is the chakra that keeps a person grounded to his physical existence.
Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra is positioned on the navel. The whole reproductive system ...belongs to it, including the bladder and spleen. This chakra can fuel one's creativity, emotions, and sexuality.
Solar Plexus Chakra
This chakra directly affects the liver, stomach, gall bladder, small intestines, and pancreas. It is associated with a person's intellectual processes. The Solar Plexus Chakra is also the seat of power. Once open and balanced, it can transform all of your aspirations and hopes into reality.
Heart Chakra
As its name implies, this chakra is positioned right on the heart. It controls many of the functions associated with the heart, including the arms, lower lungs, skin, and the thymus gland. This is the chakra of the entire circulatory system.
The Heart Chakra is the one that creates the link from the physical world towards spiritual existence. It is also the center of one's emotions, especially the emotion of love.
Throat Chakra
The throat chakra controls the thyroid gland, throat, jaw, upper lungs, and vocal chords. It may also affect the digestive system. This chakra governs a person's ability to communicate. It also inspires mental creativity.
Third-eye Chakra
The third-eye chakra corresponds to the brain, nose, face, eyes, and almost all of the organs situated in the head. It also has power over the lower brain, pituitary gland, and the central nervous system. This is the chakra that opens one's intuition. It allows a person to visualize, manifest, and even create visions beyond ordinary sight.
Crown Chakra
The crown chakra corresponds to the person's whole being. It is one's direct connection to the spirit. It can lead the way on the path towards universal existence. It is also through this chakra that one can experience inner peace. It opens the path towards spiritual wisdom and can enhance one's psychic abilities.